
Welcome to our vendor's site. Please scroll down to learn how to become a vendor, apply for a sales job or to check our training videos.

We welcome all contractors and installers!​​​​​​​
Welcome to our vendor site. Here you will be able to register as a preferred vendor. These are some of the benefits when joining our network:
1. Limited number of vendors per trade and per zip code. Our office keeps 1 to 2 vendors for most trades at any giving time as contractors may no be able to attend a work order in a timely manner and expertise may vary.
2. Competitive pay schedule based on trade and scope of work – Our office pays competitive market rates and utilizes state of the art estimating software to price labor and materials.
3. Fast payment processing upon completion – we fully pay contractors upon completion even on insurance claims and bank financed projects. Free direct deposit available.
4. For Installers We can assist with liability and worker’s comp insurance – We are able to advance funds to secure proper insurance, permitting, materials and other initial expenses.
5. Free training and certification opportunities within our product lines.  ​​​​​​​
Not a vendor yet?
Becoming a vendor is easy and can be done online by clicking here. You can also send your documentation by Email –  or Mail – 10212 S Indianapolis Ave Chicago IL 60617
Licensed contractors will need to provide the following documentation when submitting the enrollment form:
1. A cover letter describing services, contact information, and any other information you may deemed relevant.
2. Copy of your state and/or city licenses,
3. Copy of your driver license.
4. Accreditation and trade certifications (if any).
5. Certificate of insurance. For coverage requirements Click Here.​​​​​​​
Looking for a job in roofing sales?
Our office is actively looking for estimators to join our sales team. For more information click here. We offer residential and commercial roof services as well as general contracting. 

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