We offer replacement and new installs
Five Reasons To Replace Skylights When Replacing Your Roof
1. Save time and money: The skylights are old and with the roofing crew's work, they're likely to loosen up a bit. Replace them during reroofing to avoid more costly problems later.
2. Solar tax credit: Customers can get the latest, greatest solar powered skylight models for much less because they're eligible for a 30% federal tax credit on product and installation through December 31, 2032. Solar powered models also have the most functionality so you are getting the most bang for their buck.
3. Improved energy efficiency: Simply put, older skylights just aren't energy efficient. On the other hand, the newest VELUX models feature dual-paned glass that provides improved energy efficiency over the old skylights.
4. Daylight and fresh air: Update skylights for new functionality! VELUX's latest solar-powered models are remote controlled and the blinds are adjusted with the tap of a touchscreen.
5. Blinds for light control: Speaking of blinds, the newest skylight models can be outfitted with room darkening or light diffusing blinds to provide light control in the room below. They even come in fun colors and patterns for a little design excitement on the ceiling!

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Inspection And Installation Guide For New Skylights
Save time and money by hiring an skylight and roofing expert. Click Here to learn more about our inspection and installation process.
Handouts and Drawings For Skylights Models VS-S-E
VS-S-E Venting Skylights Product Data Sheet - VS/VSS/VSE Are Venting Deck Mount Skylights
For additional drawings and specs for VELUX Fixed, Solar and Manual Skylights visit: https://www.veluxusa.com/professional/tools/architects/drawings-and-specifications#flashing